Sunday Worship
Join us this Sunday at 10 am as we gather for worship and fellowship together as the body of Christ. We will continue our new series "Come and Behold Him." In Luke 1:26-38, we will learn together from the story of Mary. The sermon is titled, "Nothing Impossible." Join us as we worship God together this season.
We will also celebrate Communion together during the Sunday service, remembering the Body and Blood of Christ together. |
Decorate the Sanctuary
As we prepare our hearts and minds to come and behold Jesus this Christmas season, we will also be decorating the sanctuary. Everyone is welcome to join us after the service on Sunday, December 1. |
Prayer & Worship Night
Everyone is welcome to join us on Wednesday, December 4 for a time of prayer and worship together. We will meet in the sanctuary from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. |
Christmas Cookie Exchange
All women are invited to a night of Christmas fun, fellowship, and songs on Friday, December 13. Bring 2 - 3 dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies along with the recipes to share with each other. We will meet from 6:00 - 9:00 pm in Taylor Hall. Invite your friends! |
Christmas Caroling at Harboursite
Are you looking for a way to bless others and spread joy during the Christmas season? Consider joining us at Harboursite Senior Residence on Sunday, December 15 at noon. We will walk the halls and sing Christmas carols for the elderly residents of the building. Then we will meet them in the Community Room to share refreshments with them. See Shelia Cahill for more details. |
Women in Prayer
All women are invited to an encouraging and uplifitng time of prayer together every Sunday before the worship service. Join with other women to intercede for each other, our families, the church, the community, and the world. Meet downtairs in the Youth Room at 9:15 am. Contact office@gracestamford.org for information. |
Grace Church Men's Group
This group will meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 8:00 pm. All men are invited to join. Contact tom@gracestamford.org for more details. |
Community Groups
Community Groups are a great way to build relationships and grow in your faith! The Wednesday night group meets at 6:30 pm in Taylor Hall. They study the Bible passage that was preached on the previous Sunday, digging into the Word and applying it in everday life. The Hansen's group meets on the first and third Saturday of the month at 5:30 pm. They are discussing the book Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp. To join a group, contact office@gracestamford.org. |
Prayer FocusYouth and Children Pray that youth and children would recognize and thank God from whom all blessings flow. Please also pray for our church family. Look for the Weekly Prayer Update sent out each week as a reminder to pray for the specific needs of our bothers and sisters in Christ. If you are not a Partner of Grace Church but would like to receive the prayer updates, contact office@gracestamford.org. If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please contact office@gracestamford.org. |
Mid-day Prayer on Zoom
Everyone is welcome to pray together on Wednesdays at noon. Contact Bob Daniel at bobdaniel@aol.com or call or text at 203-858-2708. |
Our mission and vision are enabled by your generous giving. You can give online anytime, from any device, with our secure, easy-to-use website. Click here to give online. You can also give in-person on Sundays, or by mailing a check to the office. Thank you for supporting Grace! |
Thank You
Thank you for reading the Grace News! Sincerely,
Grace Evangelical Free Church 241 Courtland Avenue, Stamford, CT 06906 (203) 323-6737 | office@gracestamford.org |